Line Robot - Basic lessons - Short-hand "if"
This kind of "if" is completely avoidable, but is handy. For example, assuming we need to print "Line" if there is a line under transistor 0 and "Nothing" otherwise, we could write the following code fragment:
void RobotLine::loop() {
if (line(0))
Suppose we are too lazy to write 4 lines of code but prefer to condense them to a single line. C++ will help us:
void RobotLine::loop() {
print(line(0) ? "Line\n\r" : "Nothing\n\r");
You can probably understand how the short-hand "if" works by studying the example above. If not, here is the definition:
logicalExpression ? instructionIfTrue : instructionIfFalse
C++ will test logical expression "logicalExpression", as in ordinary "if". If it evaluates "true", it will execute instruction "instructionIfTrue". If not, "instructionIfFalse".
Task: make line following program shorter.
The solution will not improve the program but just teach You how to use short-hand "if". Start with the code below, we already used for line following. Here is a shorter version, You have to make even shorter (smaller number of program lines).
void RobotLine::loop() {
if (line(5))
go(10, 80);
go(80, 10);
void RobotLine::loop() {
go(line(5) ? 10 : 80, line(5) ? 80 : 10);
First short-hand "if" determines left motor's speed, the second right motor's speed. This program is a worse because it must contact the sensor twice instead of once and the logic is crammed in one line.