Connect all the 3.3 V cables (orange headers), starting from ML-R Power Supply 3x C, voltmeter, which should be connected to MRMS ESP32: Arduino, IMU, eFuse, BT, WiFi, CAN Bus, and so on, according to the picture. Always use the shortest cable possible.
Some of the devices in this picture will be built later and You do not have to connect them right now. However, later always first connect the device and then attach it. Otherwise You will be forced to disassemble the part later, in order to connect it. This hint is valid for next steps, too. In the pictures are 4 servo motors, used for
Model: Gripper B (gripper-b). If You intend to use
Model: Gripper A (gripper-a), 2 of them will be enough.
Potrebni elementi
ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 10 cm, 1 kom.
ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 20 cm, 2 kom.
ML-R Cable KK254-KK254 5 cm, 2 kom.