class Mrm_lid_can_b : public SensorBoard
/** If sensor not started, start it and wait for 1. message
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
@return - started or not
bool started(uint8_t deviceNumber);
/** Add a mrm-ref-can sensor
@param deviceName - device's name
void add(char * deviceName = (char*)"");
/** Calibration, only once after production
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
void calibration(uint8_t deviceNumber = 0);
/** Distance in mm. Warning - the function will take considerable amount of time to execute if sampleCount > 0!
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
@param sampleCount - Number or readings. 40% of the c, with extreme values, will be discarded and the
rest will be averaged. Keeps returning 0 till all the sample is read.
If sampleCount is 0, it will not wait but will just return the last value.
@param sigmaCount - Values outiside sigmaCount sigmas will be filtered out. 1 sigma will leave 68% of the values, 2 sigma 95%, 3 sigma 99.7%.
Therefore, lower sigma number will remove more errornous readings.
@return - distance in mm
uint16_t distance(uint8_t deviceNumber = 0, uint8_t sampleCount = 0, uint8_t sigmaCount = 1);
/** Read CAN Bus message into local variables
@param canId - CAN Bus id
@param data - 8 bytes from CAN Bus message.
@param length - number of data bytes
bool messageDecode(uint32_t canId, uint8_t data[8], uint8_t length);
/** Enable plug and play
@param enable - enable or disable
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
void pnpSet(bool enable = true, uint8_t deviceNumber = 0);
/** Ranging type
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
@param value - long range 0, high speed 1, high accuracy 2
void rangingType(uint8_t deviceNumber, uint8_t value = 0);
/** Analog readings
@param receiverNumberInSensor - always 0
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0.
@return - analog value
uint16_t reading(uint8_t receiverNumberInSensor, uint8_t deviceNumber = 0);
/** Print all readings in a line
void readingsPrint();
@param deviceNumber - Device's ordinal number. Each call of function add() assigns a increasing number to the device, starting with 0. 0xFF - all devices.
@param betweenTestsMs - time in ms between 2 tests. 0 - default.
void test(uint8_t deviceNumber = 0xFF, uint16_t betweenTestsMs = 0);
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