Mapiranje zida
Spremiti status zida u memoriju.
void RobotMaze::map() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Iterate the 4 directions.
Direction dir = (Direction)i; // An integer
(i) can be casted to enum (Directory).
"for" broji od 0 do 3.
"dir" dobijemo iz "i" i pokazuje redom u sva 4 smjera.
Je li zid već spremljen?
void RobotMaze::map() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Iterate the 4 directions.
Direction dir = (Direction)i; // An integer
(i) can be casted to enum (Directory).
if (tileCurrent->wallGet(dir) == WallStatus::WALL_UNKNOWN){ // Map
only the walls not mapped before (that have status WALL_UNKNOWN).
Ako još ne znamo koji je status zida u izabranom smjeru, a sve gledamo za jednu pločicu, onda ćemo ga mapirati.
Znači, spremiti u neku varijablu.
Spremanje zida
void RobotMaze::map() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Iterate the 4 directions.
Direction dir = (Direction)i; // An integer
(i) can be casted to enum (Directory).
if (tileCurrent->wallGet(dir) == WallStatus::WALL_UNKNOWN){ // Map
only the walls not mapped before (that have status WALL_UNKNOWN).
/*If both sensors in this direction detect walls,
conclude that a wall is ahead. Note that this is not a
straightforward decision. The alternative strategy would
be to declare a wall if ANY of the sensors
detects a wall and it would be more appropriate for the
situation when the robot has not gone far enough and its
rear sensor is missing the wall, which is only 1 cm ahead.
The third strategy would be to consider a more elaboraty
solution. The last one is the best.
if (distance(dir, false) < NO_WALL_DISTANCE && distance(dir, true)
tileCurrent->wallSet(dir, WallStatus::WALL_WITHOUT_VICTIM);
tileCurrent->wallSet(dir, WallStatus::NO_WALL);
Ako obadva senzora udaljenosti u danom smjeru mjere malu udaljenost, znači da je tu zid.
U tom slučaju spremamo postojanje zida funkcijom "wallSet()".
U suprotnom spremam da ne postoji zid.
void RobotMaze::map() {
actionSet(actionDecide); // After mapping the next action will be a
decision what to do.
mazePrint(); // A debug tool: print all the maze after each map event.
Na kraju aktiviramo sljedeću akciju i štampamo labirint.
Zadatak: crtanje
Iscrtajte na 8x8 displeju rubove na način da rub svijetli, ako je zid u tom smjeru, inače ne.
Projekt "Uvod u robotiku" sufinanciran je iz Europskog socijalnog fonda, poziv "Jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnoga društva za popularizaciju STEM-a".
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Sadržaj vježbe za virtualne radionice isključiva je odgovornost Hrvatskog društva za robotiku.